New Fleet, New Scale, New Room

Welcome back everyone and welcome back myself after quite the hiatus. Last year I was posted to a new base forcing the family and I to pick up and move. Importantly for this self aggrandizing blog exercise, that meant setting up an entirely new gaming room with all it entails. My gaming space and I are now in such a state that I can recommence posting. I will soon provide an overview of the gaming room, table, and figure displays.

In the meantime, I have outputted new projects and expansions to existing projects over the past months. The first of these is an expansion of my retooling of my BSG collection into 1/7,000 scale. So far along is this effort that I have sold off my older models of both Colonials and Cylons in 1/20,000 scale. Aside from one class yet to be painted, I now have a complete First Cylon War Colonial fleet.

All 24 models of this fleet I 3D printed using various .stl files acquired from the interwebs. A few were cobbled together digitally from different parts and all were modified or had details added. These models are truly gigantic in this scale.

Refit Constitution class for scale.

The classes chosen for the fleet comprise canon designs from the show, ships from the Deadlock video game, and a few I designed to imitate models I once owned from sources such as Iron Wind Metals.

Jupiter Class Battlestar
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

The heart of the fleet is two Jupiter Class Battlestars. These models are the only two not printed by me, rather they were provided by a friend a couple of years ago, before I took the plunge myself into 3D printing.

Artemis Class Battlestar.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

Secondary to the Jupiters is my single Artemis Class Battlestar. Hailing from the Deadlock video game, the Artemis is an older battlestar but is still capable of serving alongside her larger and newer cousins. This model required eliminating the existing gun mounts and constructing new ones that would show up better when printed.

Valkyrie Class Light Battlestar
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

Filling in the role of scouting and light force commanders, my fleet contains two Valkyrie Class Light Battlestars. This model proved to require the most work, primarily in constructing and placing gun and missile turrets. This process also led to a revelation; the commonly accepted number of weapon mounts can't possibly be correct as I fit as many mounts as the hull surface would reasonably allow and didn't come close.

Heracles Class Gunstar.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

The two Heracles Class Gunstars provide much of the offensive punch of my fleet. This class hails from the Deadlock video game and only required some small adjustments to turret placement.

General Hothi Class Heavy Cruiser.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

The two General Hothi Class Heavy Cruisers are a design of my own creation. Having once designed and scratch built one of this class, I elected to recreate it digitally and print new models to replace the old one.

Ranger Class Missile Cruiser.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

The Ranger Class Missile Cruiser is an interesting design from Deadlock of which I printed two for the fleet. Modification efforts on my part were dedicated to hull form details.

Berzerk Class Destroyer.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

The Berzerk Class Destroyer is a canon design seen in background shots of the series run. Four models support my fleet but the printing was a pain. Numerous errors existed within the file which required meticulous and annoying repairs.

Lightray Class Missile Frigate.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

My old Colonial fleet contained a few Lightray Class Missile Frigates that I adored, a model from an unlicensed manufacturer. I cobbled this .stl file together from modified pieces of other files and printed two of them.

Adamant Class Frigate
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

Any player of Deadlock is familiar with the venerable Adamant Class Frigate. I did find a model for this class but was very much disappointed with its detail and having little luck sprucing it up I opted to create a new one wholesale and print five of them. This maintains the general hull form of the Adamant but ties it in with the design language of the Valkyrie.

Kopis Class Fast Destroyer.
My Metaverse 2nd Edition stats can be found here.

The Kopis Class Fast Destroyer was another model from my old collection that I had to recreate. As much as I enjoy using this design, I limited myself to just two prints.

The only design I have left to print and paint is the Defender Class Assaultstar but I lost the mojo after printing and painting these 24 models over a two week period. I'll get around to it eventually.

Next time I'll show off my new gaming space but I also have other projects to show off including 1/7,000 Earthforce, 23rd Century Starfleet and Klingons, a new Frostgrave Warband, and a North Africa 6mm collection.


  1. That's a spectacular job you've done with the colonial fleet

    1. That's incredible. In 1/7000 scale you really get a sense of the (huge) size of the BSG ships.


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